Exchanger Bundle Pulling

Exchanger Bundle Pulling

A heat exchanger (or bundle) is a system used to transfer heat between two or more fluids. They’re widely used in industrial plants for both cooling and heating processes. As a result, residue builds up in their intricate tubing systems and the heat exchanger units need cleaned at least once a year to optimize their efficiency.

Specialty equipment and expertise is required to safely handle heat exchangers when they are pulled out of their housings (or shells) for on-site maintenance. NOOTER can provide this specialty service.

The key to success in this niche specialty is focus, consistency, and a great deal of experience.

Bundle Pulling Services

  • Bundle Extraction Nationwide

  • Pulling One to Dozens of Bundles

  • 66 Ton Capacity

  • Fleet of Aerial and Truck-Mounted Extractors

  • Crawler and TBC for Tight Spaces

  • Experienced Heat Exchanger Bundle Pulling Crew

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